His Excellency the Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natour Grow up and Beginning
📷His Excellency the Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natour - decided to work like any ambitious young man to build himself and make the world a better place.His Excellency The Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natourwas born in the city of Amman, capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on October 1, 1965, to a noble family of deep-rooted descent among which he grew up and lived his childhood and youth with its members, and received from them all love, care, and attention Business in Dubai was different from his peers and the rest of his family by his distinguished personality, intelligence, and exceptional abilities, and because of his love for science and innovation, his parents chose to send him to the technical school in Amman where he excelled in all fields, especially the fields of electricity, mechanics and air conditioning techniques. Dubai Business graduating from the technical school, and like any self-made young man who wants to build himself and stand by his family, He emigrated at the beginning of his youth and began his work and struggle. In a short time, he gained the trust, respect, and appreciation of all the business leaders and entrepreneurs he knew in those countries where he lived and worked.📷 Jobs in Dubai bright intelligence and the values and principles he always carried in his heart and mind, especially his belief that it is not right to be content of one's bloodline and origins no matter how great they were, But that one must work and strive to prove themselves and to improve their own conditions and those of their families, So despite his belonging to a noble family and its great honor and great status among people, His Excellency The Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natour - decided to work like any ambitious young man to build himself and make the world a better place. And he was able to achieve great success in a short time and proved to everyone who knew him that hard work and determination are the basis of any success in this life.📷 His Excellency The Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natour His Excellency has assigned several positions which made him gain extensive practical experience and deep scientific knowledge in various fields, worked initially as an observer assistant, then a general supervisor, then an assistant engineer, then an engineer, then a head of department, then a manager, then an executive general manager, until he became, thanks to God Almighty, and as a result of his efforts, achievements and the trust he has received from everyone, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the GDTC Global Group.📷 It is worth mentioning that His Excellency The Honorable Sharif Moulay Sidi Ahmad Bin Zuhir Bin Mohammad Bin Jaber Al Natour Media Advertising in Dubai started his own activities in the late 1980s specifically in 1987 in the field of infrastructure works and worked in the fields of pledges, building, and construction, he also worked in the financial markets and stock exchanges, buying and selling shares, bonds and money exchange, In addition to trade in oil, gas and oil derivatives, trade in gold, diamonds, precious metals and precious stones, Manufacturing of iron and basic minerals and coal production, He also worked in the general trade, import, and export business. During that period, during 19 years, from 1987 to 2006, UAE jobs implemented more than 820 successful and productive projects, and the profits and revenues of these projects were a main source of his income and wealth, and he became a successful businessman and distinguished and well known by all officials and businessmen in the countries that carried out these projects.